At Libanus Primary School we promote and encourage pupils' active citizenship and contribution to the school and wider community. We offer many opportunities for pupils to take on new responsibilities and be involved in successfully supporting the life and work of the school.

We believe, 'you have a voice, you have a choice'.  Each September we elect our Junior Leadership Team who help us to share all of our pupils views.

We also have a wide range of pupil voice councils which are available to all pupils. These councils include pupils who are elected by their peers to represent their class at council meetings. These councils include;

School Council/ ROC Council

Healthy School Council

Eco Council

Sports Council

Criw Cymreig

Digi Council

Heddlu Bach

Young Carer Ambassadors

Well-being Warriors

Reading Champions

Each council meets once a fortnight.  Each September they devise an action plan with targets they think could make Libanus even better.