Dear Visitor,

Welcome to Libanus Primary School’s website. I hope it provides you with the information you require and a glimpse into the life of our wonderful school.

I honestly believe that Libanus is a place where children can soar! Our original building has been on our site since 1915, educating children for over a hundred years! I have had the pleasure of leading the team here since joining in 2014.

Our incredibly special name Libanus is the Welsh word for Lebanon, named after Libanus Chapel built in 1825 nearby to our school. We have embraced our unusual name by incorporating the image of Lebanon Mountain onto our logo and naming our classes after the bushes and trees that grow on the mountain.

We have an extraordinarily strong identity at Libanus, and you will hear us describe our pupils as true Libanusians! Pupils follow our rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe and live through our values by having a Love of learning, having Integrity, being Brave, Appreciating beauty and excellence, being Nice, being United and exercising Self-control.

Children’s wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do, and we have built our community, curriculum, and opportunity for pupil voice around the needs of our children. We are constantly looking for opportunities to improve the experiences that our children have through their learning, visits and visitors and enrichment activities.

Governors, parents, staff, and our community have all played their part in the extensive development of our site which now includes a studio, cooking areas, a forest area, trim trails, cycling facilities, more access to outdoors from classrooms and much more. Watch this space for our next improvements!

Libanus is a happy school and a wonderful place to be. I am always so proud to receive positive comments from visitors to our school or from people who meet our pupils. The comments always complement our fantastic ethos and the way that our pupils interact with each other and with adults. Our team of staff are all highly committed and proud to be part of such a wonderful school.

If you have any questions or would like to visit our school, please contact our office, we will be pleased to hear from you.

Diolch yn fawr a dymuniadau gorau,

Nicola J Williams MAEd NPQH