It is vitally important that your child attends school on time every day (9am) unless they are too unwell to do so. If your child has a communicable disease e.g. chickenpox, sickness, diarrhoea please follow the Public Health Wales guidelines.

The rewards for good attendance are clear: pupils are more likely to enjoy school, achieve better results and increase life chances.

We reward excellent pupil attendance termly with certificate and awards and present our attendance cup to the class with the highest attendance each week.


If your child is absent, please leave a message on the ‘Absent’ section on Parentmail or telephone the school on 01495 225736 (option 1) before 9.30am with the reason. Children will be given an unauthorised absence mark if we have no reason given.

Medical Appointments

Please make medical appointments outside of school hours or after 1.15pm. Please supply a copy of the appointments for our records.

Leave of absence/holidays

Leave of absence during term time is discouraged. You do not have the automatic right to withdraw your child from school for a holiday. If you require a holiday form, please call the office and one will be sent to you via Parentmail.


Lateness is also monitored and concerns are reported to the Education Welfare Officer. Children who are late miss an important part of the day and this may affect their wellbeing.

Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN)

FPN’s can be issued to parents when there is real concern about attendance. This can lead to prosecution.

Below are some of examples of when a FPN can be issued:

  • Unauthorised absences – where at least 10 session (5 school days) are lost to unauthorised absences: these do not need to be consecutive. You will receive a formal warning notification from the Head Teacher explaining that actions may be taken.
  • Persistent late arrival – at least 10 sessions of late arrival at school after the register is closed.
  • Truancy – where a child comes to the attention of the police during school hours for being absent from their registered school without an acceptable reason.
  • Holidays in term time – A Fixed Penalty Notice can be issued for unauthorised leave of absence for 5 school days or more during term time and when attendance is already irregular.

Mrs L Clifford

Mrs Clifford works in our school office and monitors and manages our attendance figures and will contact parents of children with particular attendance and punctuality issues.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please remember ‘miss school – miss out’. Let us work together to ensure that every child has the opportunity to soar and reach their full potential by attending school every day.


Attendance Colour Banding Chart

Updated: 24/11/2023 41 KB

Attendance Data 2022-2023

Updated: 27/11/2023 56 KB