At Libanus Primary School we aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to both enjoy sport and develop a wide range of associated skills, which enable them to actively participate in different sports.  Physical Education is a very important part of our Health and Well-being curriculum, and pupils are given every encouragement and support to participate in a wide range of skills.

We believe that participating in sporting activities provides pupils with the opportunity to:

  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
  • work and play with others in a range of group situations
  • develop enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination
  • develop social skills and make new friends
  • develop understanding of how to apply rules for different activities
  • learn how to deal with conflict
  • celebrate shared successes
  • understand the benefits physical activity has on our health and well-being

Our pupils enjoy gymnastics, dance, games, athletics, cycling, yoga, swimming and outdoor adventurous activities as part of our curriculum.  There are also a range of extra-curricular sporting clubs including, football, netball, dance and taekwondo.

We also provide pupils with the opportunity to participate in cluster and Caerphilly sporting events including athletics, football, netball, cricket and golf.

One highlight of the school year is our annual sports day, where all pupils have the opportunity to enjoy a range of activities that promote both skills and enjoyment.