English is the main language of communication, teaching, learning and assessment at Libanus Primary School. However, the Welsh Language is very important to us and we pride ourselves in providing pupils with the opportunities to develop Welsh language skills throughout the day.

The school is committed to promoting the aims and aspirations of the Welsh Government in developing the Welsh Language. We promote oracy, reading and writing in both English and Welsh Second Language in informal and structured situations. Welsh can be seen and heard around the school, during school assemblies and concerts, signage and display, lessons and indoor and outdoor activities.

At Libanus we aim to:

● Foster positive attitudes in all learners towards the Welsh language

● Provide opportunities for all children to hear and use Welsh in all areas of their learning

● Motivate the children to use Welsh with confidence

Our Criw Cymraeg meets regularly to discuss ways in which to promote Welsh within our school. We have two members from each Year 3 to Year 6 who represent their peers. You will spot them around the school as they wear a Criw Cymraeg badge.

As a school we have achieved the Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award, which is an award to promote the use of welsh language and schools Welsh ethos.