Education is more than just mastering academic subjects - it is also about activities that extend children’s learning through new experiences and opportunities, and it is important to make school life exciting and fun. All children benefit from enrichment – it gives them opportunities to explore and use their imagination and children from disadvantaged backgrounds benefit from experiences and activities that they may not get out of school.
Enrichment gives children opportunities to develop character, resilience self-esteem, motivation and can encourage them to pursue wider goals. It helps to teach life skills that benefit children beyond the classroom and can develop an appreciation for cultural and communication issues, teamwork and social responsibility. Research has also found a link between enrichment and higher attainment in reading and mathematics. Enrichment can also help children develop their interests and talents, keep physically and mentally healthy and prepare them for future success.
Enrichment in the classroom at Libanus
- Deeper research
- Independent work/Free choice work
- Circle Time
- Debates
- Working with younger/older children
- FACE days
Enrichment in the classroom at Libanus
- Lunchtime and after school clubs
- Music lessons - guitar, cello, piano, violin, drums (Years 2-6)
- School plays, sports day (All pupils)
- School trips and visitors into school
- Libanus Adventurers residentials (Year 3-6)
- Whole school events - World Book Day, odd socks day, charity events
- Weekly Level 3 Teaching Assistants enrichment activities (Year 1-6)
- Cycling
- Goedwig – outdoor learning
- Cookery
- Arts & Craft
- Film & Digital Media
- Community activities
Enrichment at home
- Reading together, board games, dancing, cooking, gardening
- Family visits to art galleries, zoos and museums
- Clubs and teams. E.g. Brownies, Cubs, sports teams
At Libanus we are proud to provide a wide range of enrichment activities which encourage a positive perception by pupils of school life. We give our children the ‘roots to grow and wings to fly’ and our school is a place where our children soar.